Directory of Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Why DOAJ? 

  • DOAJ’s seal of approval is a quality stamp for peer-reviewed Open Access journals.
  • DOAJ inclusion increases the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of open access scholarly journals.
  • DOAJ listed journals are recognised by funders, e.g. the Dutch Research Council (NWO) – publishing in a DOAJ journal is one of the ways to comply with some funders’ open access publishing mandate.

How to apply to be included in DOAJ?

To be included in DOAJ, a journal has to meet a certain number of requirements. To help you fulfil these requirements, we have created a journal page webpage template. This template contains elements that adhere to TU Delft OPEN Policy and to DOAJ’s requirements. Use the template as the basis for your journal webpage.

To apply to be included in DOAJ, journals should publish at least 5 research articles per year.

Note: Newly launched journals must demonstrate a publishing history of more than one year, or have published at least 10 articles.

Possible reasons for rejection or removal from DOAJ

  • Failure to publish 5 research articles per year
  • Lack of transparency of the review process
  • Endogeny:  The proportion of published papers where at least one of the authors is an editor, editorial board member or reviewer, or affiliated to the journal’s institution must not exceed 20%, based on the research content of the latest two issues.

TU Delft OPEN aims to have all our Open Access Journals included in DOAJ. To this end, we are happy to provide advice on your DOAJ application to maximise your chance of inclusion, and we can handle your application.




Publishing Officer at TU Delft Library | Website | + posts

Open Publishing (Open Access) advisor & facilitator | Publishing voice of teachers and researchers

Frédérique Belliard

Open Publishing (Open Access) advisor & facilitator | Publishing voice of teachers and researchers

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