Book colophon

We suggest that you use the required elements listed below:


<Title> | <subtitle>

<author>1, <author>2
1<affiliation>  <email address>  <orcid>
2<affiliation>  <email address>  <orcid>

<keyword 1>, <keyword 2>, <keyword 3>, etc (max 6 keywords)

Published by:
TU Delft OPEN Publishing | Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

ISBN: xxx

Copyright statement:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence
© YYYY  published by TU Delft OPEN Publishing on behalf of the authors

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Cover design made by <XXX>

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Publishing Officer at TU Delft Library | Website

Open Publishing (Open Access) advisor & facilitator | Publishing voice of teachers and researchers

Frédérique Belliard

Open Publishing (Open Access) advisor & facilitator | Publishing voice of teachers and researchers

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