Template Journal Article – Colophon

Please find below elements that need to be displayed in all versions of your journal article. These elements are needed for transparency, for your journal to be included in relevant indexing bodies and for the publisher TU Delft OPEN to apply for relevant memberships.

We suggest that you provide a template to your authors that include the required elements listed below.

Title page (1st page)

    • Name of the journal
    • ISSN
    • Title of the paper
    • Article type
    • Authors (first names and last names)
    • Affiliation (+ ORCID ID if applicable )
    • Corresponding Author (name + email)
    • Name of the handling editor (optional)
    • Name of the reviewers (optional and if applicable) 
    • Paper number (optional)
    • Special issue name (if applicable)
    • Volume/Issue/Year of publication
    • DOI
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Submitted:  e.g 01 January 2021; Accepted: e.g 01 June 2021, Published: e.g 02 June 2021
    • How to cite: names of authors (if the publication has more than 3 authors, use the last name of the 1st author, followed by et al. e.g Smith et al.), the title of the article, name of the journal, volume, year, DOI
    • “This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.”
    • ©year [name of the author(s)] published by TU Delft OPEN on behalf of the authors


Last page

    • Data Access Statement (if applicable): Provide details regarding where data supporting your research results can be found, including links to publicly archived datasets analyzed or generated during the study.
    • Contributor Statement: Describe properly all author contributions and all types of contributions) see Policies (tudelft.nl)
    • Acknowledgements (optional): Acknowledge any other support which are not covered by the contributor statement.
    • References:  We recommend using the APA citation system and the APA format, to put the references in alphabetical order (not in the order they appear in the text).


Publishing Officer at TU Delft Library | Website | + posts

Open Publishing (Open Access) advisor & facilitator | Publishing voice of teachers and researchers

Frédérique Belliard

Open Publishing (Open Access) advisor & facilitator | Publishing voice of teachers and researchers

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